En el Buen Sentido is a project born in 2016 with the fundamental mission of helping families to carry their children in the car in the safest way and to enjoy the advantages of Ergonomic Carrying.
Our difference is the totally personalized service: Advice with the closeness “from mother to mother”, but with the technical knowledge of specialized training (Advanced Technician in Child Restraint Systems by the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, Professional Advisor of Ergonomic Carrying Certified by the Entrenudos School) and the experience of the many families served and the many different cases solved.
During this time we have been expanding our product offering, always in line with our philosophy, with baby strollers and baby carriages from the most prestigious brands, the best toys to stimulate the physical and mental development of our children, accessories to facilitate breastfeeding, BLW and complementary feeding in general, etc.
Our goal is SAFE CHILDREN, HAPPY CHILDREN and therefore satisfied families.